Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Every good impulse comes from God
I am so happy that God reminds me, daily, of these words:
“We are required to take upon our necks the yoke of Christ, because every good impulse comes from the Spirit of God, and we are quickened to earnest effort for a higher life.” {ST, July 20, 1888 par. 10}
So, next time you get an impulse to do good, either it is to say something, or do something to somebody, use your mind and act.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Role model - Andressa Duarte (must see!)
Praise the Lord for people like her! The movie speaks for itself.
Remember: "If we don't do our part now, If we want to do it tomorrow, maybe there will be no time."
Here is also a translation from the movie:
Life is a countdown... Hope, framed in the smile, the mission, engraved in the heart, forever.
Sunday - Public Evangelism
And on Sundays, the radio, I start with the devotional. There's some time for the children, where I tell them some stories, then later, there are prizes, and this is the schedule for every Sunday.
Monday - Witnessing
[Andressa Duarte Barragana - 14 years old] Monday, I study in the morning... and in the afternoon we do a lot of missionary work.
Tuesday - Humanitarian Help and Bible Class
Tuesday, I visit the nursing home. There we sing, pray, we play...There are some people, that are so lonely, you know? They really open their hearts to us.
Wednesday - Social Work
Wednesday we get together at my house, to work with the community co-op. We do decoupage, roofing tile decoration, We do... glass work, picture-framing, we decorate refrigerator magnets, lots of arts and crafts, 'cause the families that work at the co-op are very poor families.
Friday - Intercessory Prayer
Friday, I started a group for intercessory prayer. So each kid gets these prayer requests, that comes from several churches, and pray for the name they get on that little piece of paper. The intercessory prayer, it's very interesting, because many requests were already answered through our prayers, you know? Because there is power in prayer.
Sabbath - Personal Evangelism
On Sabbath I wake up a little earlier and invite some kids to go to church. So, that's what my week is like.
Her ministry
On that Sabbath, the same week, I was baptized, then next Thursday I started the small group. The first person that I went to was Robert. I told him, Robert, you're going to be very important for this small Group, Robert. One would take the roll call, the other was a deacon, the other a receptionist, the other a deaconess, the other would distribute the handouts, but, every one that had a position there, they had to bring 2 friends. So, the number of children was increasing. From 10 to 20, then 25... today there are about 45 kids there. The interesting thing is that through my small group it was possible to do all these missionary work.
I'm a normal kid, because I study, I play, when I have time. I enjoy my parents, hang out with my sisters...
Jesus give us 24 hours. If we take 1 hour to do missionary work, distribute a pamphlet, a bible study course, ...because... Jesus is coming, He is showing the signs, the prophecies. All that is being fulfilled.
If we don't do our part now, If we want to do it tomorrow, maybe there will be no time.
...And there was no more time. March 22th, 2008. 7:15 am, Sabbath - Pelotas/RS/Brazil. Last day of Easter Week. While Andressa was on her way to preach at her church, her car crashed into a truck. At that automobile tragedy, 4 women passed away. Including Andressa, 14 years old. In the little time she lived, she did much. More than 100 people were baptized, and innumerable others were influenced by her example.
She did all she could, while she could. How about you?
"If we don't do our part now, If we want to do it tomorrow, maybe there will be no time." Andressa Barragana (1994 - 2008)
I live for Jesus
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Series of meetings in Bergen summer 2008
The group outside church

I got a new friend :)
Passing out free stuff :)

If you want to join us, going to Finnmark (north of Norway) next summer, check out this site:
Movie clips from when I went to Tyrifjord Academy
School choir: Holy, Holy, Holy (Norwegian)