"Many years ago, the Lord was working on my heart when I was just a medical student doing my residency. At the hospital, I met a patient named Tom, an engineer, who was a millionaire inventor with a very creative mind.
But he was also aging, and he came into the emergency room with shortness of breath. To save his life, I had to intubate him, which means putting a tube down his throat to help his lungs breathe. It took nearly three weeks to get him well enough to leave the hospital, yet though we tried everything medical science had to offer, Tom could barely do anything without getting short of breath. When we finally released him, he had to go to a nursing home for special care.
While Tom was in the hospital, his daughter had come to visit him. During her time in town, an evangelistic prophecy series was being run at a nearby church. She attended the series, accepted the last-day message, and was baptized as a Sabbath-keeping Christian. It was a very exciting thing to see!
She also had a weight problem, and a caring church member guided her to a special health program that follows biblical counsel on health. There she lost weight and felt better than she had in years. It made her very excited about the health principles she had learned.
Soon after, her father had to go to the hospital again because of breathing problems. To be honest, I believed his body was so weak that I didn’t think he had much of a chance. He was also extremely depressed. Again we treated him and sent him back to the nursing home many weeks later in a wheelchair.
However, his daughter told me, “He’s not going back to the nursing home.” Instead, she was going to take him to the same lifestyle center she had attended. My colleagues and I diligently advised her it would be unwise because Tom couldn’t make the trip in his state of health. But she had already taken care of the arrangements and took him despite our “best professional judgment.”
A Healing Testimony
“This isn’t good,” I kept thinking. “I’m glad she’s accepted Bible truth, but maybe she’d gone too extreme and could even do her father harm!” Well, it so happens that I was doing a few shifts at that same center and had the opportunity to check on Tom just two weeks after he started treatment there.
When I arrived, I was stunned to see Tom walking on his own power to the cafeteria. I asked, “Tom, what happened?” I learned the center was using simple remedies, not drugs, and a vegetarian diet to treat Tom — and the transformation was absolutely radical. Tom explained, “They’re not feeding me any meat or cheese or eggs. But the food is good, so I’m going to write my old hospital and tell them they need to be serving this food!” On just his fifth day of treatment, Tom got up and was able to walk!
What I haven’t told you about Tom is that he was a lifelong atheist. I had the privilege of hearing him issue his first prayer to God. He became a believer through the healing ministry of Christ.
This is what God has called Amazing Facts and Weimar to do in this new powerful union and shows what is possible when we follow Christ’s method of ministry. When we follow Christ’s example, nothing can stop a great harvest for the kingdom of God."
Written by: Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Center of Health and Education
Found the story at: http://www.weimar.org/PresidentsCorner.aspx
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