Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lyme doctor gets banned in Norway

Another doctor gets banned (this time in Norway!). Dr Rolf Luneng helped people getting healed from lyme disease, using a longer and different treatment strategy than most doctors - with great success! Many of these people have even been neglected by the public health care, and they lost hope, until they met this doctor. 
"- So it appears I will get punished as a "half criminal doctor" having made hundreds of people healthy..."

Here is a recent article in Norwegian: 

Sadly, a common offer from the public health to help these poor people are pain killers and psychological help. In America, lyme disease is the fastest-growing infectious disease, and it is growing fast world wide. Something needs to be done.
Anyone out there who would be left on their own now after this ban or other bans, contact me, I have some alternatives. 
More information about lyme disease and treatment.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The king and his friend

An African king had a close friend who had the habit of remarking "this
is good" about every occurrence in life no matter what it was. One day
the king and his friend were out hunting. The king's friend loaded a
gun and handed it to the king, but alas he loaded it wrong and when the
king fired it, his thumb was blown off.
"This is good!" exclaimed his friend.
The horrified and bleeding king was furious. "How can you say this is
good? This is obviously horrible!" he shouted.
The king put his friend in jail.

About a year later the king went hunting by himself. Cannibals captured
him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some
wood, set up a stake and bound him to it. As they came near to set fire
to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being
superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole. They
untied the king and sent him on his way.
Full of remorse the king rushed to the prison to release his friend.
"You were right, it WAS good" the king said.
The king told his friend how the missing thumb saved his life and
added, "I feel so sad that I locked you in jail. That was such a bad
thing to do"
"NO! this is good!" responded his delighted friend.
"Oh, how could that be good my friend, I did a terrible thing to you while I
owe you my life".
"It is good" said his friend, "because if I wasn't in jail I would have been
hunting with you and they would have killed ME."
- Source unknown

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Friday, March 16, 2012

Depression Recovery

Watch this TV series online about depression recovery, on Lifestyle TV. You will get practical advice what YOU can do to get a better mental health. 

The presenter is Dr Neil Nedley. His material on depression recovery is the best I have seen in this field. I had the privilege of being in a team arranging a depression recovery program, in California, which Dr Nedley have developed. I can highly recommend it.

"Dr Neil Nedley's lifestyle series explores the problem of depression in a completely new way. Drawing on his years of medical practice, Dr Nedley shows how to treat depression's underlying causes instead of just treating symptoms. You will learn how to identify depression, and find a way out without dependance on drugs and counseling."

For more resources on improving mental performance check out Dr Nedley's website:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Disabilities turned to abilities

We all have trials of different kinds. Watch this inspiring video about Patrick Hughes. 

‎"How would you describe your disabilities? " "- Not disabilities at all, more abilities..." 

What are your abilities?

"The Lord permits His people to be subjected to the fiery ordeal of temptation, not because He takes pleasure in their distress and affliction, but because this process is essential to their final victory. He could not, consistently with His own glory, shield them from temptation; for the very object of the trial is to prepare them to resist all the allurements of evil." - Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy p. 528

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Seventh Day TV series with Hal Holbrook

Is there something special about the seventh day? What does the Bible say? Why do most christian denominations keep sunday?
The host Hal Holbrook will take you on an eye-opening journey through the history of the seventh day Sabbath. 
Don't miss this! The series is made by LTT productions, and there are 5 parts.

Part 1:
  1. Origins - Views of human beginnings from Babylonian and Aztec myths as well as from the Bible and the Koran.
  2. The Evolution Explanation - Darwin's theory of evolution challenges traditional view of origins.
  3. Beyond Chance - A case against blind chance as a logical explanation of human origins.
  4. Intelligent Designer - The Bible's portrayal of Creation and the Creator.
  5. The Architecture of Time - The week and the Sabbath in the structure of human life.
  6. Point of Contact - The weekly Sabbath in man's relationship with God.
  7. A Day for All Mankind - The universal and perpetual purpose for the weekly day of rest.
  8. Unholy Sabbath - National disaster strikes the "chosen people" due, in part, to their neglect of the Sabbath.
  9. Sabbath Around the World - Somehow the concept of Sabbath extended into the culture and language of many peoples.
  10. Reform - Revival of Sabbath observance among the Jews who returned from exile results in heroism and tragedy.

Part 2:
  1. Religion in Rome - A summary view of Roman religions during the time of Jesus.
  2. The Jewish Sabbath - Strict Sabbathkeeping marked the Jews as unique.
  3. The Sabbath Reformer - The Bible protrays Jesus as a revolutionary Sabbathkeeper.
  4. Prophecy - Jesus predicted that His followers would be still be keeping the Sabbath at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
  5. Christians and Jews - The two groups shared a view of a personal God and of the weekly Sabbath, but Christians found new meaning in the holy day.
  6. The Christian Sabbath - Clear evidence for Christian observance of the seventh-day Sabbath in the first century AD.
  7. Sundaykeepers - Second-century Christians in Alexandria and Rome begin observing the first day of the week instead of the Sabbath.
  8. The Day of the Sun - Roman sun worship and its link to Christian Sunday observance.
  9. Sunday Law - Emperor Constantine legalizes Sunday as the weekly day of rest in the Roman Empire.
  10. The Sabbath Survives - Proof of seventh-day (Saturday) Sabbath observance into the middle of the fourth century.

Part 3:
  1. Celtic Christianity - The religious background to the story of St. Patrick.
  2. The Real Patrick - Once a slave in Ireland, Patrick responds to a divine call and returns to the Emerald Isle as a missionary.
  3. Celtic Sabbath - Saturday observed as the Sabbath by Celtic Christians.
  4. Margaret of Scotland - Margaret comes from England, marries King Malcolm, and attempts to reform Sunday observance in Scotland.
  5. Assault on the Sabbath - The Church of Rome promotes the Sabbath (Saturday) fast as an expression of anti-Jewish sentiments.
  6. Power Struggle - The "Sabbath fast" becomes a key issue in the rivalry between church leaders in Rome and Constantinople.
  7. Deceptions - The "letter from heaven" threatens Sunday-breakers.
  8. Fight for Truth - Resistance to church/state authority brings tragedy.
  9. John Wycliffe: Champion of Conscience - An Oxford professor focuses new attention on the Bible as the supreme authority for Christian faith and practice.
  10. The Lollards - Wycliffe's followers take his views throughout England and beyond.
  11. The Church vs. the Bible - The church-state establishment opposes the spread of the Bible and the ideas of Wycliffe and the Lollards.

Part 4:
  1. Russian Reformation - This Sabbathkeeping movement reached the highest levels of Russian society and led to fiery executions in Moscow's Red Square.
  2. Sabbath vs. Sunday in Ethiopia - Jesuit missionaries succeeded in converting the Emperor to Roman Catholicism, but attempts to quash Sabbath observance resulted in civil war.
  3. Inquisition - Civil and religious authorities united to root out "heresy."
  4. Purging the Church in Spain - Ferdinand and Isabella, the "Catholic Monarchs," used the Spanish Inquisition to rid their church of Jewish heresies.
  5. 5. Portugal Exports the Inquisition - Inquisitors carried their campaign of religious persecution into the new territories of Portugal's expanding empire.
  6. Authority: Sola Scriptura? - Protestant Reformers insisted on the authority of the sacred Scriptures, while Catholic leaders defended their church's stand on Tradition.
  7. Anabaptists - Persecuted by Protestants and Catholics alike, these radical reformers stood for strict adherence to biblical teachings. Among them were new champions of the Sabbath.
  8. The Seventh-day Men - While many Puritan preachers insisted on strict observance of Sunday, other prominent Englishmen called for a return to the Sabbath of the Ten Commandments.

Part 5:
  1. Roger Williams and Religious Liberty - This nonconformist preacher established the Rhode Island colony on the foundation of freedom of conscience for everybody.
  2. To the New World - A Sabbathkeeping Baptist couple emigrate from England to Rhode Island and help establish the first Seventh Day Baptist congregation in America.
  3. A Song in the Wilderness - Conrad Beisel and his followers establish a Sabbathkeeping community on Pennsylvania's Cocalico Creek — the Ephrata Coister.
  4. A Voice from Germany - Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf directs the Moravian mission to the North American Indians and inspires his community to keep the seventh-day Sabbath.
  5. Advent Movement - A Seventh Day Baptist lady shares her Sabbath beliefs with her pastor, and this leads to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
  6. Kingdom of Heavenly Peace - 19th-century China is shaken by the Taiping Revolution, a huge peasant revolt that is shaped, in part, by bibical principles including observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.
  7. Eskimo Prophet - In Alaska's Kobuk River valley a man named Maniilaq learns about "seventh-day resting" from one he calls "the Grandfather."
  8. The Shining One - Deep in the South American rain forest Chief Owkwa learns about the Sabbath from a bright celestial visitor.
  9. Africa - The Sabbath's deep cultural roots in various parts of this continent.
  10. Saving Sunday - The secularization of Sunday in 19th-century America leads some political and religious leaders to promote laws that would protect Sunday as the national day of rest and worship.
  11. Sabbath on Trial - People who observe Saturday rather than Sunday as their weekly day of worship sometimes face financial hardship and legal trouble because of their beliefs.
  12. People of the Sabbath - Although still a small minority, seventh-day Sabbathkeepers are increasing in number around the world.
  13. Challenges - Sabbathkeeping theologians respond to critics who contend that observing the seventh-day Sabbath is legalistic or irrelevant for Christians today.
  14. Eternal Sabbath - Bible prophecy points to the Sabbath as part of God's plan for a perfect world in the eternal future.

There are also many other interesting info about the sabbath at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Simple health principles impacts a Californian prison

Photo: Foto: Digna reklambyrå

San Bernardino County prison in California have been using a concept of 8 simple health keys with great success.
One of these "health keys" is a vegan diet. The healthy lifestyle gave improvements both physically, mentally and socially. The State of California had a recidivism rate of 95% at a time. (Recidivism is the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested.) This prison had a recidivism rate of less than 2%!

"In testimonials, inmates assert that the surprisingly good-tasting food led them to feel better, have greater energy, increased stamina and reduced problems with acne. Indeed the effectiveness of a vegan vegetarian diet in rehabilitation has been scientifically validated."

So what did they do at this prison? They used a NEWSTART” program which included a vegan diet, they had bible studies, job training and anger management.

The good news is that you can also get a healthier lifestyle, feel better, and live longer by some simple guidelines.

The principles that were this program in the prison was builded upon:
Nutrition - a healthy vegan diet.

Exercise - every day.
Water - drinking enough water.
Sunlight - getting enough sunlight every day.
Temperance - using good things moderately but avoiding bad things like alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.
Air - fresh air, everyday.
Rest - Resting after hard work, but also getting enough sleep in the night. The best quality time of sleep is before 12. 
Trust in Divine power - We can cast all our burdens on God, and ask for his leading in our lives. The Bible talks about health and says in Proverbs 3:5-8 that by trusting God, we will get physical health. 

Read more about NEWSTART here. Read the article about the prison here.

If you speak Swedish, check out Livlig.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Chief Owkwa

The indian tribe of Guyana learned about hygiene, health, God, the bible, prophecies, through a miracle. The village chief Owkwa had a dream, and that changed the whole village. Watch this short clip all about it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Epidemi - en tankeställare

Vad är värt någonting i livet egentligen? Din TV? Din dator? Din telefon? ....Kanske människor?

Se kortfilmen här:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An underestimated disease

Have you, or someone else you know, been trying to figure out health problems without any result? Or  you might have gotten a diagnose like ME, chronic fatigue syndrom, fibromyalgia, somatization disorder, without knowing the cause. In either case, this article will be worth reading!

Some say it is the fastest growing epidemic in the world. Others say it is the fastest growing infection in North America, and that it is growing faster than AIDS. You can at least say that it is spreading very rapidly. Only in United States, cases of lyme disease has almost doubled between 2004 and 2009. My 10 fingers are not enough to count how many people I know that finally have gotten the diagnose. I also know many people that have the symptoms, but that still haven't checked themselves for lyme disease.

Some of the symptoms: Fatigue, weakness, exhaustion, pain:"pins and needles" / shooting or stabbing pain / burning sensations in feet and hands, muscle twitches / muscle cramps, numbness, migraine / head ache, tremor, fever, often sick / flu-like symptoms / infections and inflammations, chills, tinnitus / ringing in ears, swollen lymph nodes / "swollen glands", swollen joints, stiffness, sleeping difficulties / insomnia, concentration difficulties, cognitive problems, brain fog, depression, panic attacks, anxiety, confusion /disorientation, difficulty finding words, unexplained skin rashes, heart problems: abnormal heart rhythm / irregular heart beat, heart failure, meningitis paralysis, etc. I've heard of people that even have become blind. 
The symptoms can develop fast, or it can come sneaking through several months and even years.

This is a trailer to a must see movie about patients that are misdiagnosed, people that are very sick, and how doctors that help them get sued. It is unbelievable. People share their stories and how they got help.

Here is a link to the whole movie:

More movies:

Short facts:
1. The disease is caused by a spiral-shaped bacteria (a spirochete) called Borrelia Burgdorferi. It is transmitted through ticks, but there are speculations on other ways that you can get infected. It can affect multiple organs which will give many different symptoms. Ticks like to stay in wet places: in grass, or on bushes. Inspect your body for ticks after have being out in the nature.
2. It is a clinical diagnosis. Right now there are no blood tests that can tell for sure, and the common one that people usually take is very inaccurate. (This is a big problem!)
3. Less than 50% that are infected have actually seen a tick bite on their body. Some studies say as low as 15 %. Less than 50% will get a red rash.
4. If you are infected, you often get co-infections as well, which makes the treatment harder. (Babesia, Twar, Erlichia, bartonella, anaplasma, etc.)
5. Lyme disease is often called the great imitator, because it imitates many diseases. You can get all kinds of symptoms which may look like another neurological, mental or rheumatic disease. (Multiple sclerosis, alzheimer, parkinson, migraine, lupus, ALS, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, vertigo, ADD, ADHD, etc. )
6. Lyme disease weakens your immune system, and it may affect your nerve system after a while and cause permanent damage, if you don't get treated early enough. For this reason, you easily get infected by other infections which makes it more complicated. Many people struggle with a complex of a multi infection, and it is often hard to find out exactly what the different infections are. This makes it harder to treat.

It has never been made a study that proves that 30 days with antibiotics is enough to get rid of the infection, yet these are todays guidelines that most doctors follow. Many that are infected and get this treatment may get sick later in life. Fortunately there are doctors with more knowledge and experience who treat their patients longer than 30 days. Some of those are called LLMD - Lyme Literate Medical Doctor. Some need to be treated for many months, even several years before they get better. The treatment may include oral antibiotics, but also intravenous antibiotics may be needed for some. 

Additional treatments
There are people that get healed by natural treatments. I know about people that antibiotics haven't worked for, so they tried natural remedies, and they work! 

Here is a good natural treatment that has a lot of good principles, important for lyme disease. Many of these principles can also be followed while trying Cowden Protocol, recommended by many good doctors. This has helped many with lyme disease, and also with co-infections, especially where antibiotics has failed.
Another good natural treatment is from Send a message at and ask for more information on lyme disease treatment.
The treatment I have been told is the following pills:

1. APP plus
2. TBB plus
These have immune stimulating and bacteria killing effects.
3. DRC plus - For detox.
4. Energy plus can also be used, but the three above is the most important.
All these are to be taken 2x2 a day with meals.

Fever treatment is very efficient (also in combination with antibiotics). "Hyperthermia – Borrelia prefer temperatures below that of the body. Using hot showers, baths, or saunas at temperatures of up to 104 degrees F (40 degrees C) for 20-30 minutes daily to raise the body temperature is a helpful therapy for treating borreliosis. Borrelia species are especially sensitive to the combination of antibioticsand heat. Raising the body temperature also dilates the peripheral circulation and increases the permeability of the blood vessels throughout the body. These physiological changes assist in the delivery of antibiotics to all areas of the body increasing the amount of antibiotics able to penetrate and reach the borrelia. Hyperthermia improves the effect of antibiotic therapy by approximately 16 times."(

Cold laser treatment is also something I have heard good things about, especially Erchonia cold lasers. You can go to their website and search for clinics all over the world, that use their lasers. The good thing about this treatment is that it has no documented side effects. So it should be worth a try. Not all of those with these lasers are familiar with this treatment, but they should have a book of guidelines on different treatments, including lyme disease (along with the laser, if I have understood it right), so just ask them. It is especially good if you are on an antibiotic protocol or herb protocol. The lasers are mostly used in North America as far as I can see.

Your lifestyle is very important
The recovery process of chronic Lyme disease does not only demand treatment, but also a major change of your lifestyle! Don't feed the bacterias with things they like. A vegan diet will have many benefits. It is important to eat more alkaline food and cut out the acidic foods, since lyme disease often cause an acidic environment in the body. Eat more natural and organic food. Stay away from sugar (and cut down on carbohydrates), eat plenty of vegetables, make vegetable juices, eat whole foods (Not white breads, etc.) Be careful with free fats, especially bad fats. Stay away from alcohol and other stimulants. 
Some supplements that may be considered taking is: Vitamin D (is often low), Q10, Selenium, B12, Vitamin C, Milk thistle, Probiotics. (See these guidelines)

Exercise, not to hard, but stay active. Get out in the sunshine and get some fresh air every day.
Drink enough water, at least 2-3 liters a day. Get enough sleep, and don't stress. Talk to people around you and get a supportive network. And remember, trust in God. Talk to him. He know how you feel, He has a plan, and wants to help you. It is hard to look positive at things in life, but it is not impossible. When things seem hard and dark, stretch out your hand to Him that can make the weak strong. Jesus said: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt 11:28) A great book that you may enjoy: Steps to Christ, one of the world's most sold books.

So if you think you might have lyme disease, it is important to see a doctor that has lots of knowledge about lyme disease, and that prefer better testing methods. Ask ILADS for a doctor in your area. I know about some good doctors in Canada, United States, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Just message me if you want to know more about this.

If you think that you have been bitten by a tick, don't hesitate to contact a doctor, and be aware of symptoms later in life! Treatment of lyme disease is most effective when begun early. Remember that you eventually should see a doctor with lots of knowledge about lyme disease, since many times, 30 days of antibiotics isn't enough to kill all the bacterias. You may get better, but you might get worse later in life and then it can be harder to treat.

Resources - International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society - Swedish lyme association - A private clinic in Norway - A private clinic in Germany
ILADS Guidelines
Guidelines by Dr Joseph Burrascano, MD - specialized in Lyme disease.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My life in California

This fall I am going to a bible school at Weimar Campus, California. The school is called: AFCOE (Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism) - trains people in bible - Teaching about main themes of the bible, and how to share our knowledge efficiently. We dig deep into the bible, for instance we learn about prophecies, the sanctuary, doctrines, the mission of the church. We are also trained in bible work and how to preach. I have also choosen a health track, which will learn me about some principles in health evangelism, and how to have health seminars, etc.

We are around 51 students in our class. I experienced the spiritual atmosphere right away, when I arrived 5th of august. The first days we had biblestudies at the dorm, good talks, prayers together. These things have just continued since.

The first week have been an introduction week, with classes. We have also had a week of prayer, about the theme: Revival.

I live at Hillside dorm, with great friends and fellowship. My room mate is from So-Cal, originally from Philippines.

The nature here is awesome! There are mountain lions in the area, which I haven't seen yet. I hope to see one :) There are also several deers and squirrels that are running through campus.

The temperature so far have been up to 35 C. It is very dry in the area, but there are many trails here to hike and you find green plants as well. The other day when we were hiking, it felt like we hiked in a jungle for a while.

We have tons of blackberries around here! I have also seen grapes and apricots :) There are channels through the are which is almost perfect for air bed race :D

It is nice to also have a Swede on campus: Rebecca Sahlin. We are teaching some of the students swedish, and they are doing pretty good.

Some of our teachers are:

Don Mackintosh, Wes Peppers, Eric Flickenger, Doug Bachelor, Tammey Steenson.

The classes so far are awesome!! It will be pretty busy here with everything we are doing, such as classes, homework and outreach. We can sense that the devil is attacking us in many different ways. But God is stronger!

Please pray for me.

I miss you scandinavians!


"When you walk, your steps will not be hindered,
And when you run, you will not stumble." - Prov 4:12

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Cell Phone vs. Bible

I got this story from a friend in an e-mail. It is really thought-provoking.
"Have you ever wondered what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.

Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
Disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!

When Jesus died for us, he was thinking of you!"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An incredible story how simple natural remedies can help us to a better health

"Many years ago, the Lord was working on my heart when I was just a medical student doing my residency. At the hospital, I met a patient named Tom, an engineer, who was a millionaire inventor with a very creative mind. But he was also aging, and he came into the emergency room with shortness of breath. To save his life, I had to intubate him, which means putting a tube down his throat to help his lungs breathe. It took nearly three weeks to get him well enough to leave the hospital, yet though we tried everything medical science had to offer, Tom could barely do anything without getting short of breath. When we finally released him, he had to go to a nursing home for special care. While Tom was in the hospital, his daughter had come to visit him. During her time in town, an evangelistic prophecy series was being run at a nearby church. She attended the series, accepted the last-day message, and was baptized as a Sabbath-keeping Christian. It was a very exciting thing to see! She also had a weight problem, and a caring church member guided her to a special health program that follows biblical counsel on health. There she lost weight and felt better than she had in years. It made her very excited about the health principles she had learned. Soon after, her father had to go to the hospital again because of breathing problems. To be honest, I believed his body was so weak that I didn’t think he had much of a chance. He was also extremely depressed. Again we treated him and sent him back to the nursing home many weeks later in a wheelchair. However, his daughter told me, “He’s not going back to the nursing home.” Instead, she was going to take him to the same lifestyle center she had attended. My colleagues and I diligently advised her it would be unwise because Tom couldn’t make the trip in his state of health. But she had already taken care of the arrangements and took him despite our “best professional judgment.” 

A Healing Testimony 

“This isn’t good,” I kept thinking. “I’m glad she’s accepted Bible truth, but maybe she’d gone too extreme and could even do her father harm!” Well, it so happens that I was doing a few shifts at that same center and had the opportunity to check on Tom just two weeks after he started treatment there. When I arrived, I was stunned to see Tom walking on his own power to the cafeteria. I asked, “Tom, what happened?” I learned the center was using simple remedies, not drugs, and a vegetarian diet to treat Tom — and the transformation was absolutely radical. Tom explained, “They’re not feeding me any meat or cheese or eggs. But the food is good, so I’m going to write my old hospital and tell them they need to be serving this food!” On just his fifth day of treatment, Tom got up and was able to walk! What I haven’t told you about Tom is that he was a lifelong atheist. I had the privilege of hearing him issue his first prayer to God. He became a believer through the healing ministry of Christ. This is what God has called Amazing Facts and Weimar to do in this new powerful union and shows what is possible when we follow Christ’s method of ministry. When we follow Christ’s example, nothing can stop a great harvest for the kingdom of God." 

 Written by: Neil Nedley, president of Weimar Center of Health and Education 
 Found the story at: 


Friday, December 11, 2009

I want to know You more...

This wish, that we want to know God more, should be a daily wish. The sabbath is a special time where we can spend time with God, and put all our daily tasks and worries aside. Enjoy sabbath, get a good rest, and then the batteries will be charged and we are ready to face a new week!

Just the time I feel
that I've been caught
in the mire of self.
Just the time I feel
my mind's been bought
by worldly wealth.
That's when the breeze begins
to blow I know,
the Spirit's Call.
And all my worldly wanderings
just melt into His Love.

Oh, I want to know You more!
Deep within my soul I want to know You,
Oh, I want to know You.
To feel Your Heart and know Your Mind,
looking in Your eyes stirs up within me,
cries that says I want to know You
Oh, I want to know You more.
Oh, I want to know You more.

When my daily deeds
ordinarily lose life and song,
my heart begins to bleed,
sensitivity to Him is gone.
I've run the race but set my own pace
and face a shattered soul,
But the Gentle Arms of Jesus
warm my hungering to be whole.

Oh, I want to know You more!
Deep within my soul I want to know You,
Oh, I want to know You.
And I would give my final breathe
to know You in Your Death and Ressurrection,
Oh, I want to know You more.
Oh, I want to know You more.
Oh, I want to know You more...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I was in an accident today...

God just saved me from an accident in the traffic today (16/10)

Today I woke up, going to work. I felt that my workday went very good. It’s getting better and better at my new work, and today I felt that I did a good job, and was very happy about it. The Lord continues to bless me!

While going to the Friday night meeting in Skotselv, I realized that I was very tired and sleepy. While driving home again in the dark, I was still really sleepy. I came into the highway and drove pretty fast. Suddenly, out of nowhere (or from the dark to be exact), a big roe/deer crashed into my car from the side. I saw it just while it was smashing into the left door, and my ear started to whine. At first I was shocked and totally confused. It sounded like the whole window was smashed after hearing the big smack. Praise God I am still alive!

The roe/deer must have come with a lot of speed. It did make damage to the car. The left mirror was crushed, and the car has some dents, marks and scratches. So I think it was weird that the car didn't move after the hit. If the roe/deer would have been there a little bit earlier, I might have lost control totally of the car! I am sure God’s angels were protecting me!

This made me realize that God is a mighty, awesome, powerful, loving and caring God. He has a plan for everyone that still is alive. I am so thankful for things that we take for granted: I can walk, use my hands, talk, etc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

The Serenity Prayer is a prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr on July 1, 1943. Early in World War II, the prayer was printed on cards and distributed to the troops by the U.S.O. However, the prayer is reported to have been used before that date in Twelve-step programs for those recovering from hurts, habits, addictions and hang-ups.